Revolutionize Your Career With These Tips

 To be simply content with having a job and getting paid for the services you render without considering upping your game will consign you to mediocrity in your chosen career. It obviously isn`t enough just to make your way to work, go through the motions and make your way back home as soon as work hours is over. As an employee or professional, you should be interested in making substantial contribution to the success of the establishment you work with; you should be interested in developing your skill-sets and knowledge base on a continual basis such that you become more productive than you have ever been. Below are some tips on how to revolutionize your career.

Find a mentor at your workplace
Do you want to be better at your job? Well, you will need some sort of mentor-ship at your workplace. This could be a superior or even a workmate whose competence and productivity is remarkable and admirable. Get close to such a person where possible with the intent of tapping into their wealth of knowledge; ask questions and seek work-related advice from such an individual on a regular basis. Observe how they do their work and learn to imbibe their work ethic.

Study your industry
In a fast-paced technological world as ours, industry trends usually do not last for long; they are constantly changing. New technologies and innovations are a constant feature of many industries. Consequently, you should get abreast with the times; get industry updates and other high-value content that can make a world of difference in your career. Industry updates may be obtained from magazines, journals, newspaper publications and a variety of online sources.

Become a solution provider
See yourself as a solution provider. Continually reflect on ways to do your job better; consider viable ideas that will help resolve certain challenges at your place of work. As much as sharing great ideas with your superiors is highly commendable, you should not be content to do just that but be also willing to participate actively, where permissible in the implementation of those ideas. The more you present any issues with recommended solutions and then implement those solutions in a timely and effective manner, the more the management will rely on you and think about you for future projects and new responsibilities.

Improve your communication skills
Effective communications skills cannot be overestimated. Many internal conflicts in corporate circles boil down to poor communications skills among managers and employees. These conflicts, personal grudges, and tension resulting from poor communication skills breads an unfriendly and unproductive atmosphere within the work environment; they weaken the bond and cooperation that ought to exist between employers and between team members. Whereas conflicts are inevitable, they can be handled appropriately. Rather than hold a grudge because of what someone said or did, opt to communicate frankly but respectfully to the ‘offending party.’ Communicate clearly. Settle your differences amicably and as soon as possible. Learn to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Work harder and smarter
Lazy and unproductive employees are obvious liabilities to the companies they work with. No right thinking employer will want to have such employees working in his or her establishment. Managers and team leaders are pleased to work with other employees who are hard working. “There is no substitute for hard work”, notes Thomas Edison. Give off your best efforts at your place of work. Go the extra mile in the discharge of your responsibilities and duties. Continually think of ways to do your job better, as in working smarter. Is there a way by which you can complete your assigned task in less time and yet do so with a touch of excellence? Think along these lines and find ways of doing your job better. The key is to be able to work smarter so that you’re maximizing your abilities and making the most out of your time.

Don’t overwork yourself
Though it is recommended that you work harder and smarter, it is also vital that you do not overwork yourself. You will experience burn out and your productivity will eventually suffer if all you do is work. You may even be incapacitated. Make it a rule to have enough sleep and make time for leisure as much as practicable. Also, make time to exercise regularly. You will be healthier, happier and less stressed. You will be in top shape to give off your best at work.

Invest in continuous learning
This is where pursuing further studies in your area of expertise comes to play. Many professional courses are run on online and via other outlets. Some of these courses can be completed in a matter of a few weeks whereas others take longer. Research about professional courses relevant to your career and enroll. Many of these courses can be done part time and concurrently with your job.  Also attend seminars and conferences related to your industry. Make it a point to think through and implement what you learn where feasible. In no time, you will see marked improvement in your output. In time, promotions and higher levels of responsibilities with its associated pay raises will become common place in your career.

Have the bigger picture in mind
It helps to get acquainted with the various departments and roles within your establishment. You may be working with the finance department for instance but you should not be concerned only about your specific role or your department. Your knowledge of the operations of other employees and departments will afford you the opportunity to see the big picture; that is, how the co-workers and various departments are working towards a common goal; in the interest of the organization and where you fit (your role and department) in the scheme of things. By getting a better understanding of the big picture, it will become clearer to you why you’ve been asked to complete certain projects and this will impact positively on how you handle any given project.

I trust that the tips thus far shared will be adapted to your particular circumstances which will make you not only good at what you do but better and of course best in your chosen career. To your career success!!!

Written by Daniel Dela Dunoo
(Writer, Blogger, Editor)


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