Indispensable Life Lessons From The Animal Kingdom: The Case of Female Worker Ants

The notion that humans can learn a thing or two from the animal kingdom may seem far-fetched to some. For others, however, this notion is right on point. I am glad to be numbered among the latter. In this blog post, I will share with you three essential life lessons I have learned from the work ethic of female worker ants. Let`s get right into the discussion, commencing with some background information about ants generally and eventually zeroing in on female worker ants.

Ants – A brief background
Ants live in well-structured communities typically referred to as colonies and comprise somewhere around 11, 000 species. Ant colonies are varied in size; some may number in the millions while some may comprise only a couple of members. Members of an ant colony usually fall into categories (castes), each with a different role. There are three main castes, namely queens, males and female worker ants.

The queens are responsible for mating to produce fertilized eggs which hatch to produce more ants. On the other hand, the class of ants commonly called males is noted for playing no social role other than mating. They die shortly after mating.
Female worker ants form the majority of colony members and do not have wings. They perform much of the work within every given colony. This includes searching for food, nursing young ants and defending the colony against ants from other colonies.

 I am quite certain at this point that the picture I have been trying to paint so far is beginning to take shape; you are beginning to get the drift. Do fasten your seat belt as we zoom into the discussion proper. Below are a couple of lessons we can glean and imbibe from the work ethic of female workers ants:
Say ‘NO’ to procrastination
Female worker ants have the proclivity for gathering and storing food during specific seasons; seasons that are most appropriate for them to discharge this responsibility. They attend to their task as and when the season is due rather than talk themselves out of work when work ought to be done.

Procrastination has been known to be a major challenge for many. Many have the tendency to procrastinate until such realize that they have to race against time in order to complete certain time-bound tasks such as meeting projects deadlines.
 Christopher Parker once noted: “Procrastination is like the credit card. It`s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” The English Poet, Edward Young is said to have made this famous statement: “Procrastination is the thief of time.” The venerated Benjamin Franklin gives a piece of apt advice: “Never leave that till tomorrow that which you can do today.”

Hard work pays
Female worker ants are diligent. They can easily be spotted gathering food particles and other tiny edibles. On occasion, they may be sighted diligently working as a team to carry huge loads of food particles and the like. By their hard work, they are able to store food for the present and for future use.
The value of hard work cannot be overemphasized. Laziness is detrimental to your progress in life and career. “There is no substitute for hard work”, quipped the notable prolific inventor and entrepreneur, Thomas Alva Edison. Ebenezer Acheampong, a Ghanaian motivational speaker states: “it is the diligent hand and head alone that makes success. Every student should read a lot, think a lot and work a lot.”

Self-discipline engenders progress
The female worker ant is essentially self-disciplined. In spite of the fact that ants do not have rulers as it were, to order them around, they intuitively and habitually perform their functions as and when they are due. The female worker ant, saddled with the arduous task of prospecting for food, gathering them and storing them for the common good, goes about its duties diligently and in due session. It ‘‘makes hay while the sun shines.’’ They are essentially self-disciplined.
Self-discipline connotes the ability and commitment to do what is necessary or sensible without needing to be coerced or urged by another. It is a non-negotiable prerequisite for chalking feats of monumental proportions. Many of the world`s greats in whatever field of endeavor had to commit to a disciplined pursuit of their dreams and aspirations. It was the famed author and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar who once noted, “Real freedom comes only when discipline becomes a way of life.” Do what ought to be done exactly when it ought to be done, regardless of the prevailing odds. Work when you ought to work, even when you don`t feel like it. This will without a doubt engender the progress you so desire. All things being equal, any human who is self-disciplined will go places.

Just a quick reminder: You can chalk great successes in whatever sphere of life or work you might be engaged with if you will take to heart these valuable life lessons scraped together from the work ethic of female worker ants and allow same to influence your personal work ethic.
Written by Daniel Dela Dunoo
(Writer, blogger, editor & founder of Topnotch Writing Solutions)


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