Dealing With Time Wastage in Corporate Circles
I chanced upon a piece of research conducted somewhere in the United States and will like to share a bit of it because of its relevance to the subject matter: In the annual Wasting Time at Work Survey, reported that 89 percent of respondents admitted that they waste time at work each day. A small percentage even admitted that they waste at least half of an 8 hour workday on non work-related tasks. Dr. Donald E. Wetmore who made over 2,000 presentations across the globe about management and personal productivity itemizes findings from a survey of more than 1,000 people he was personally involved in. I will share a bit of it. “When we last did this survey in 2012, 64% of our survey respondents said they waste time at work on a daily basis.” He notes that in 2013, that number rose to as much as 69% of the people surveyed. Most people (34%) said they routinely waste 30 minutes or less each day while on the clock. Nearly one-quarte