
Showing posts from March, 2017

5 Things Positive Thinking Will Do For You

  Photo source: “Positive and negative are directions that lead to different outcomes. Which direction do you choose?” –Remez Sasson Positive thinking is obviously not a magic wand bringing closure to all your struggles and troubles. Positive thinking isn`t some kind of miracle cure for all your frailties and inadequacies. But what I can tell you is this; positive thinking will make a world of difference in your life. Now, read on to discover in specific terms five things positive thinking will do for you. Maximize your skills and talents Negative thinking affects your self-esteem. It makes you doubt your capabilities and so, instead of expending your skills and talents towards the work at hand, you coil into your shelves; you remain in your comfort zone while your skills and talents remain dormant.                On the other hand, positive thinking boosts your self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem invariably impacts your conduct. You meet that ar

Winning Ways: What Tenacity Will Do For You

Image credit: “Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before” - Jacob A. Riis Great accomplishments do not come easy. Greatness is not attained on a silver platter. Beneath that global brand and that remarkable feats are men and women who put their minds to work and put their shoulders to the wheel amidst significant odds. The tenacity of these persons yields these enviable dividends. Your dreams and aspirations are definitely within reach, yet the route towards the same can immobilize the faint-hearted.   You will need to set your gaze in the direction of your goals and put in the much-needed work to ensure they see the light of day. Difficult moments will by all means come and the temptation to quit will be the more alluring in the face of setbacks, f

Six Things Every University Student Should Do

Image source: For the many students who complete senior high school, a relatively small number make it to the university and other institutions of higher learning. The vast majority of graduates from the nation`s institutions of higher learning are faced with the challenge of unemployment. You obviously do not want to be a part of the statistics of unemployment. I will show you what you need to know and do to make the most of the opportunities afforded as a part of the university community. Have a clear set of goals Setting goals is a critical ingredient for sustainable success in any given field. It is prudent to have well thought-through goals for your academic pursuits and other facets of your life. Be clear on what you want to achieve within the short term (for every semester or trimester) and the long term (the entirety of your days in the university and beyond). You may aim at completing all your term papers within the schedule? Write it down. Be set